So Shia is cracking us up these days.
Today he ran around the house with his hands in the air saying Hooray! It is interesting what words he has picked up them and how they are all over the place. Eliott's first words were things like ball and dog and daddy. Shia has a completely different list of words at 15 months.
- Hooray
- Milk
- Mommy
- ssss (sound a snake makes)
- Eliott
- Baby
- shoes
- fish
- Nammie (name for my mom)
- Batman
- Breakfast
- cheese
- quack
- mine
- spiderman
- binky
- swimsuit
- car
- cookies
- milk
- daddy
- eyes
- hair
- Oh-no (I made this one up)
- More
- All done
- eat
Don't forget he said Nammie :)